Friday, May 13, 2011

Thursday Dedication Goes Tooooooooooooo

Thursday Dedication Goes Tooooooooooooo

It is Thursday today and you know what that means. Yes, you got it. It is time for FOW to hand out a Thursday Dedication.
My most treasured gift that I can honor and bestow on a person in the Blogging community. I adore giving out this award. It means you have touched me in some grand way, be it by the things you write, the way you comment, your interaction with me on social networking sites and the way you interact with others....To read further,
Finding One's Way


  1. congrats Alpana, you add another prestigious feather to your hat. life is all about good things to happen for you, because you are the best.

  2. Congrats Alpana ji....

    its almost an award every day for you.... i m feeling envy..... hehehe.

    i know you truly deserve them.



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