Sunday, November 20, 2011



Silently I wake up and look at the man next to me
I see him sleeping peacefully and my arms long to hold him near
I reach out to gently touch his face
And I touch him
His soft, silky skin
Caressing him
Remembering short hours ago, we had shared love's embrace
He stirs just then and sees me looking at him
Our eyes never leave each other as he reaches out to me
I smile at him as I move closer
He smiles too and looks deep into my eyes

He draws me close, and whispers in my ear
Soft words that I want to hear
He takes me in his arms placing a kiss upon my cheeks
I turn my head slowly, his lips meeting mine
A subtle moan escapes me as his hand explores anew
Passionate kisses intensifies as our rhythmic dance begins
He proclaims his love for me as he kisses my neck

I move my hands over him finally to rest upon his chest
His soft, sensuous lips touching mine
And I give myself to him
And as our hearts, minds, bodies, and souls entwine
I arch my back, catch his eyes adoring in their allure
He knows my every need, fantasy, desire
And he fulfills and satisfies each one of these
As I had only dreamed of
He knows of a million ways to make my body quake
Of smoldering hungers down deep inside
A desire for something that we share
As we reach the perfect harmony
Together once more

Now as we lie entwined
The sun begins to rise
It is not just a new day
But a new beginning
As we plan to spend the rest of our lives together
Embraced in each other's arms and hearts

 I wrote this after reading some beautiful poetry by Manisha Bhatia....Thank you...You can read them at...

Picture: Courtesy Google Images


  1. absolutely beautiful, so much my husband and I. It is a beautiful love.

  2. @Jan: Thank you..I wish you and your husband all the happiness in this world.

  3. :)
    That's some romantic morning I would say.


  4. @Aakash: What better way to start a Sunday...thanks.

  5. beautiful moments.. loved it, loved the fun, romance, intimacy and promises.. :)

  6. @Monu: Thank you...I just followed Manisha's foot steps.

  7. Now how do I cope with this soul sis? Just kidding, but it does bring 'fire' within and a deep sense of longing to belong to somebody *even if he's just imaginary or an illusion ;)

    Of this poetry, I loved that part when 'his soft, sensuous lips touched mine and I give myself to him' ~ well...;)

  8. @Melissa: We are all coping with it,at times you don't get what you want,but there is the right time for everything,yours is sill to come,and when it happens,it will be the most beautiful moment of your u always.

  9. Alapana, Your poems are awesome, absolutely lovely and romantic.Great work.

  10. Lovely, romantic piece of poetry!

  11. Reading your poem brings within a me a sense of longing to find love like that Alpana. Just too good. It is beautiful.

  12. well, what can I say to this or to Mani's 'November' pink hues? I simply grow red in face and start day-dreaming!Very sensuous!

  13. @Sulekha: Thank u..the romantic fool in me never gives up.

  14. @NJ:Thank u..your words mean a lot to me.

  15. @Rimly:You will find it someday..because you also deserve nothing but the best.

  16. @Alejandro: Who doesn't want to wake up to this..thanks for visiting.

  17. @Portia: Thank you..I tried to match up to Manisha's romantic words.

  18. O mine!! Vow!! The sensuality metioned with each and every detail....n tht too esthetically...great alpana!!

    N thanks soo much kind f u!!
    This shows u cherish true creations and budding talents. Its really v humble f u to mention me there.

    Its a wonderful gesture f love n respect for both the creations as well as the writer.

    God Bless U!!

  19. @Manisha: Thank u...Love does it all...Sometimes love is just a lot of heartache, but when u find a person who loves u for u then u are in true love and it will last forever....and there can be nothing more pure than that..

  20. Indeed alpana...even God has kept love at first place...n people who have love brewing in their hearts r d one wid lonliness n gloominess!!

    God Bless!

  21. A passionate and beautiful poem, Alpana!

  22. fullof passion and beauty......As always...XOXOXOXO

  23. This was beautiful...such sensuous words and feelings! Loved it!

  24. @Swati: thank u so much,I am glad you liked it.

  25. @Rahul: Thank you for visiting my blog..I write only about things that touch me and to which I am closely associated with.

  26. From the inspired mind comes even more inspiration and beauty resonates beauty xoxox

  27. I 'll have what you had Alpana!

  28. I'll have to laugh at sparklemezen's comment first ; ))). But your poem is fascinatingly passionate! Very well written indeed.

  29. Hello. This is MikeB. I saw your eloquent comments on gratitude (turning chaos into order, etc.) on Sparkle Me Zen and had to see who you are. Your poem is a wonderful, heartfelt, and romantic expression of emotional and physical love. I got goosebumps reading it. What a wonderfully intimate poem and awakening.

  30. you see when one begins to write pasionate poetry one has to let go, since so much of it is in the mind,it is sometimes hard to pen it down.

  31. This is a very passionate and picturistis post , I really liked it ,.


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