Tuesday, August 23, 2011

YouTube Tuesday

YouTube Tuesday

YouTube Tuesday, adopted from Josh at Its Tiger Time, is a day set aside for sharing your favorite video. Feel free to join in each week and see how creative we bloggers can be. Each month, Josh will highlight a selected video and present the winner with the ‘You Tube Tuesday’ Award.

If you participate, remember to leave your YouTube Tuesday link at Its Tiger Time as well as all the blogs you visit..... ♫♫

Believe that you will succeed, and you will….YOU created your OWN BELIEF and it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to HAMMER it into YOURSELF.
It doesn’t matter if yourself talk is negating your belief. A constant hammering will always drive the nail into the wall of your self talk. Just hammer it in. You can do ANYTHING if you BELIEVE it…It sounds farfetched, but I urge you not be close minded. We once thought the world was flat and that the earth was the center of the universe.
Didn't that belief change?
I will leave you with the following thought: If you accept the fact that it doesn’t matter what you believe, because you know if you believe it, you will achieve it, why not hold one of the most powerful beliefs of all, which is: I can do anything if I believe. Now you know how…….


Labels: Belief, succeed, responsibility
Video: Courtesy YouTube


  1. Oh just get out there and fly!
    Inspiring video girl, thanks for the inspiring, awesome showing.

  2. I can do this and I am capable of more... even surprising myself of the most impossible things God can do with me ;)

    Loved this soul sis... truly inspiring.Now, I want to flip like that :P... and fly :)

    Really growing wings to do that ;)

    And the most important thing is YOU can too ...YEY!

  3. That was inspiring. I can do this if only I am willing to take that first step. Beautiful

  4. One of my friend sent me a document by Shafin which says "we can redefine reality" whatever we see around us is our own made stuff, so anytime we can redefine it.
    Nice video Alpana, if I say that I can run this fast and can do this beautiful flips, I can!
    Just a matter of believing in yourself and then world is ours :D

  5. Inspiring! yeah flying, done that. Jumped out of a plane! That is inspiring because you learn to control fear.
    This is inspiring also, Alpana.

  6. very inspiring and so true belief in yourself can take you many places...Thank you for the reminder I needed it.

    Here is my link:http://jovanecatharticmusings.blogspot.com/2011/08/you-tube-tuesday_23.html

  7. I believe in... you and you and you, ALL of you. You can do it, si se puede!!!


  8. scared of heights here.. lol
    dangerously inspiring though


  9. I know you can do it...reach out and grab your own happiness - it's yours for the taking!

  10. Inspiring! Love it!

  11. The sky is the limit! Just have faith in yourself and your abilities. Excellent, Alpana!

    Mine: http://nelietatravellingadventures.blogspot.com/2011/08/youtube-tuesday_23.html

  12. Thank You for the reminder that it is up to us individuals to go out and fly....

  13. Sometimes I forget to remind myself...that is why you are here my love, to remind me. Thank you. Truly inspirational!

  14. Terrified of heights! But I will remember the message I received. Wonderful video :)

  15. What IF......As always....XOXOXOXO


  16. Very cool video, Alpana...thank you for the inspiration...awesome!!

    My vid: http://bit.ly/rhObaa

  17. Really nice contribution to YouTube Tuesday thanks for sharing with us!


  18. Great video! I definitely think the key to achieving is believing. :)

  19. Very nice video, very inspirational!

  20. "Just get out there and fly"...Whoa- that took my breath away!

    I can do this!

  21. to believe in ourselves is the main factor of existence. we are born as an individual and we die as an individual. the path we travel inbetween is life. life consists of good and bad. to distinguish between the two we need to know ourselves at our best. to know us as the best we need to believe in us, rediscover our inner strength and live like a HERO.

    your video inspired me to live life with self-belief. success begins from US,it's just that the whole world appreciates.

  22. Thank u so much for this great response.


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